St Patrick’s Cathedral
St Malachy’s Church
Church of St Colmcille
Church of the Immaculate Conception
Dear Friends,
Thank you for visiting the website of St Patrick’s Cathedral Parish, Armagh. I hope that the website gives you an insight into the vibrant and life-giving community that makes up our Parish Community.Â
Armagh has a special place in the history of our country, as it was here in 445 that tradition tells us St Patrick established his first Church, having come here in 432 as a Bishop. Armagh is proud of our faith tradition and our association with St Patrick – through Armagh’s Cathedral’s Partnership our parish is engaged in fruitful dialogue and community collaboration with various other faith traditions here in Armagh.Â
Our parish has four Churches/Church-areas, both urban and rural. Each of our Church areas contain their own characteristics and are all blessed with wonderful volunteers and faithful parishioners whose service and devotion to the life-giving message of Faith, Hope and Love is integral to our Parish.
Our Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) and Parish Finance Council (PFC), together with the various lay ministries and volunteering groups, all work together with our parish clergy team and staff to energise the faithful here in our Parish. We aim to create a welcoming and prayerful environment that creates a sense of reverence in order to assist the developing of a deeper relationship of faith with Jesus.Â
Our Parish Mission Statement is:
To support and encourage our community, in developing a more inclusive and vibrant parish, reflecting God’s message of Faith, Hope Love and Compassion.Â
As you will see from the samples of our liturgical celebrations in the webcam section of this website, we aim to provide a wide range of liturgical celebrations where all are welcome, in the hope that those who attend will encounter Jesus in a life-giving way through the life-giving message of the Gospel.
Our priority areas pastorally currently are:Â
1) Outreach to those on the margins, those who are distant from the faith community,
2) Focus on Liturgy – that we may proclaim the life-giving message of hope with joy,
3) Youth – to encourage our youth and young people to become more active in their faith and community.
I would encourage you to become involved in the Parish Community. Please do get in touch with the parish office if you have an interest in any aspect of our parish life.
We are currently undergoing a special fundraising project in order to upgrade and maintain several aspects of the fabric of our Cathedral Church. The priority areas for works to be carried out are:
1) The Cathedral Organ – a rebuild project.
2) The iconic steps leading up to the main entrance – to make safe and secure.
3) Develop and improve audio visual technology in the Cathedral.
These areas are really significant, and we hope that through our fundraising campaign we will be able to begin works early in 2024. If you are in a position to support us, I would be most obliged if you could contact me to discuss the various ways to support.
I wish you every blessing and look forward to seeing you in our parish soon,
Fr Barry Matthews, Adm.Â